Shipping Policy
shipping Costs
- For Prepaid Oder: We charge no shipping and handling fee. Free shipping is included.
- For COD orders: Free shipping is included.
Transit Time
Generally, we deliver orders within 4-7 days.
Dispatch Time
Orders are usually dispatched within 2 business days of payment of the order
Our warehouse operates on Monday - Saturday during standard business hours, except on national holidays at which time the warehouse will be closed. In these instances, we take steps to ensure shipment delays will be kept to a minimum.
Change Of Delivery Address
For a change of delivery address requests, we can change the address at any time before the order has been dispatched.
Items Out Of Stock
If an item is out of stock, we will cancel and refund the out-of-stock items and dispatch the rest of the order.
Process for parcel damaged in-transit
We will process a replacement as soon as the courier has completed their investigation into the claim.
Process for parcel lost in transit
We will process a refund or replacement as soon as the courier has conducted an investigation and deemed the parcel lost.
Customer service
For all customer service enquiries, please email us at